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Something To Think About...

True wisdom projects into the future and sees what potential consequences may arise from one’s present choices…



Knowing and believing God can only have a positive eternal outcome…



It’s a vital practice to maintain a keen awareness as to whether we’re presently weaving patterns of sinfulness into our lives...



We must be vigilant, or we too, like so many others, may leave Christ out of Christmas…



God is the only reason that we exist…



The closer one gets to recognizing and understanding fundamental, biblical truths, the more faith it requires to truly believe them…



It’s never too soon to do what is right…



If I had the sure cure for cancer, I would run to the guy with cancer so why am I not sharing the gospel with people who can be eternally, spiritually cured through Christ?…



A professing Christian is not necessarily an authentic Christian…



There’s coming a day when you will no longer have the key to your office, house, car, etc.…



The choices you make today can easily become the regrets you may have tomorrow – choose wisely…



I was eating a juicy clementine the other day and this question came to my mind: people seriously think this evolved from a big bang billions of years ago?...



Right now is the right time to live in total commitment to God…



If you are going to truly understand someone, it’s necessary to gain a good knowledge of their past…



Very few professing Christians live as if they believe eternity truly exists…



True love is first - God-exalting, second – others-centred, and third - self-denying…



One cannot correctly understand Christianity in the present without having a keen knowledge of Christianity in the past…



A deep sense of one’s own littleness in this vast universe is unquestionably one of the keys to living in humble obedience before God…



There are two keys to raising godly, mentally healthy children – spiritual intentionality and emotional nurture…



This is one thing of which all of us should be firmly convinced – the absolute ridiculousness of pride…



Your church is only going to be as strong and effective as the daily, personal commitment to God of those who comprise it…



Affirm others in their strengths and encourage them in their weaknesses…



Eternal life is not based upon a person’s opinion of Scripture but upon the truth of Scripture…



We can have varying viewpoints on some biblical doctrines but never on how one obtains eternal life…



Usually you can count on the fact that there’s wisdom in waiting before making important life choices…



The immediate relevance of Scripture is one of its most remarkable characteristics…



We should never be morbid about life but always be in touch with our own mortality…



Christians could accomplish far measurably more if they earnestly prayed together as much as they commonly ate together...



Life’s brevity should be a constant motivator to live by eternal values…



Many churches have internal conflict simply because their leadership has morphed from an attitude of servanthood to ownership…



Each day you live – constantly breathe grace into all your interpersonal relationships…



There would be many more contented, happy wives around the world if their husbands would only learn to be attentive listeners…



It’s not enough to say we believe God exists – we must truly believe in the God of the Bible...



A true Christian needs no impetus, no enticement to meet with other Christians to worship God…



A pastor’s primary responsibility is to put the people in his church in touch with eternal realities…



One of the hardest things to accept in life is when what was once normal no longer becomes humanly possible…



For the Christian, advancing in personal holiness must always take precedence over seeking individual happiness…



Never live so as to presume upon God’s favor and goodness independent of your life choices…



Every day you live, intentionally seek to encourage at least one person…



Repentance is always the way back to a restored relationship - always…



Continually evaluate your life by working eternal realities back into it…



Our waking, conscious moments, minutes and hours are either lived out in God’s powerful, divine enablement or our own limited and often failing strength…



While above ground – breath out grace…



We look to many things to give us strength for our life’s journey.  May we always look first to God since everything that sustains us is ultimately sourced only in Him…



A person’s life always reveals what they really believe about the Word of God…



Without the grace of God and His loving mercy, each and every one of us could potentially be the worst sinners upon planet earth…



Take note!  Eternal life both starts with and ends with heaven…



The will of man cannot supersede the sovereignty of God…



If we really believe in eternity, we will yearn for its future reality and live in accordance with its coming certainty…



There should not be great incongruity between God’s limitless, available power and the consistency of spiritual victory within every area of my Christian life…



Be very careful about judging motives but be very perceptive in judging actions…



If I think I’m never wrong, chances are I’m also seldom right…



Being obedient to God’s commandments is always the right choice at any given time…



How much of my present life is truly a reflection of the Lord Jesus Christ?...



Responding with joy when encountering trials is one of the Christian’s greatest testimonies to an unbelieving world…



The one and only thing that will matter 100 years from is whether you and I heard and believed the “gospel” truth…



Our sincere thankfulness for God’s loving, gracious gift of eternal salvation ought to supersede all other thanksgiving...



What recent sacrifices have I made to communicate the gospel to the lost sinners around me?...



Very few Christians actually can say this with total honesty, “For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain"…



If, in some way, I’m not a suffering Christian, I’m also not a committed Christian…



I ought to give thanks for any measure of health and strength I have right now…



The words we speak and the deeds we do should always flow out of humility…



Sometimes God permits what appears unjust to advance His divine plan & enhance His divine glory...


God is not obligated to satisfy the human intellect...


The totality of Christianity is underscored by certainty...



A true Christian prioritizes God's principles over self-preservation...



God is completely sovereign in that He can take whatever is evil and turn it around for our betterment and His glory...



When is it ever not the answer to improve things that clearly need to change?...



Eternity matters…




A Vertical Journal - How Have I Gone Vertical Today?


1. Pick a day each month to vertically journal your life.

2. Perhaps you might pick the first or last day of the month.

3. Use the pages at the back of this book to chronicle how you went vertical throughout those twenty-four hours.

4. Pray intentionally every morning before you get out of your bed and put your feet on the floor that God would help you live your life vertically.

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