Pastor Kennedy and his wife Shannon
I was born in London, Ontario and raised in a strong Christian home. It was at the young age of five that I came to know Christ as my Lord and Savior. It’s my earliest memory as a child and one of my most precious ones too. I was baptized at the age of nine and by the time I was twelve I felt clearly called by God to full time Christian service.
I truly thank God for giving me a loving and godly Christian wife, Shannon and two great children, Clarke & KayLee, who are also committed Christians. I have been a pastor for over 26 years now and I count it a privilege to serve God here at Meadowvale Bible Baptist Church, as well as give pastoral oversight to our Mississauga Christian Academy school ministry.
On a personal note, I’m an avid participant in and appreciator of many sports. I also have a keen interest in biblical creation ministries, meteorology and gardening. Most of all, I want my entire life to be to the praise and the glory of God. A verse from the Bible that is especially significant to me is Proverbs 14:26: “In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence and His children will have a place of refuge.”